| - n. 在基督教国家中星期天是假日. Sunday is a holiday in Christian countries
- v. 在天空中闪烁的星星 stars twinkling in the sky
- n. 在家中度过星期六和星期日 spend the weekend at home
- v. 在山里为时两三个星期的小住. a sojourn of two or three weeks in the mountains
- n. 在帐篷里过了两个星期後, 又回到文明社会可真舒服! It's good to get back to civilization after living in a tent for two weeks!
- n. 在我们的银河系之外还有别的星系吗? Are there other universes outside our own?
- suff. 在星期日 on Sunday(s)
- n. 在轨道中运行的星球 the stars in their courses, ie the way they appear to move
- adj. 在过去的两周、 几星期、 二十年等 during the last fortnight, few weeks, two decades, etc
- n. 在韦瑟福特星期四是集日. Thursday is market-day in Wetherford
- n. 在黑暗的天空中点点发光的星星. stars seen as points of light in a dark sky
- 地托比星 Detorubicin
- 地方桓星时 local sidereal time
- n. 地球, 地球仪, 球体, 球, 球状物, 地球, 世界, 天体, 行星, 太阳, 地球仪, 球状玻璃器皿, 灯泡, 眼球, 小金球, 球形玻璃器皿, 球形鱼缸, 球形灯罩 globe
- n. 地球以外的)行星的卫星 body that moves round a planet other than the earth (
- 地球卫星火箭 earth-satellite rocket