| - adj. 决定性的一日[时刻]. hour
- 冷轧高碳钢–日本工业标准 Cold-Rolled (Special Steel) Carbon Steel Strip to JIS G3311
- 净日数 Clear Days
- n. 准备, 预备, 准备工作, 预修, 预习, 预习时间, 配制, 备办, 制剂, 配制品, 配制好的食物, 准备调, 标本, 节日的前夜, 绘画的准备工作 preparation
- adj. 几种疾病日积月累造成的影响. the cumulative effect of several illnesses
- n. 出席昨日会议的人很多. There was a good turn-out at yesterday's meeting
- 出票后......日(付款 D/d
- 出票后......日(付款 d/d days after date
- adj. 分期付的款可於每月最後一日交付. Instalments are payable on the last day of the month
- n. 分析这些政治形势时, 应考虑到东西方关系正日趋紧张. These political developments should be seen against a background of increasing East-West tension
- n. 切开星期日吃的大块肉. carve the Sunday joint
- n. 切腹, 剖腹(旧时日本武士在自知任务失败时为免受屈辱的自杀手段). ritual suicide using a sword to cut open one's stomach, formerly practised by Japanese Samurai to avoid dishonour when they believed they had failed in their duty
- n. 创世之六日, 关于创世之论说, 上帝创世的六日, 创世的纪述, 创世纪, 有关创世的论说 hexaemeron
- n. 创世之六日,关于创世之论说 hexahemeron
- adj. 创世之六日的,创世之六天记述的 hexaemeric
- v. 别拖延! 今天就定下你休假的日子! Don't delay! Book your holiday today