压Chinese English Phrase:
| - 低背压泡沫产生器 low back pressure foam generator
- 低蒸气压力液体 low vapor pressure liquid
- n. 低血压患者,降血压药adj.低血压的 hypotensive
- 低血压麻醉 hypotensive anesthesia
- 低速大扭矩液压泵 low speed high torque hydraulic pump
- 低量分压器 minute volume divider
- 低量程气压表 low-range pressure gauge
- n. 体内外压力差症状, 气压病, 气栓, 高空减压症 dysbarism
- 体外心脏挤压器 External cardiac compressor
- 体积压缩性 bulk compressibility
- n. 体腔内无线电测压器, 体内无线电探头, 无线电丸 endoradiosonde
- n. 余地, 可允许的误差, 机动时间, 时间的损失, 落后, 风压, 风压差, 风压角, 偏流, 添加的时间、空间、钱等, 风压差, 偏航, 退路, 回旋余地 leeway
- v. 你怎样证明压力一直不变? How do you demonstrate that the pressure remains constant?
- n. 你的血压过高. is too high
- n. 你的轮胎磨损得很厉害.* [attrib 作定语] tyre pressure 轮胎气压. =>illus at App Your tyres are badly worn.
- n. 你要是不付款, 银行就对你施加压力. The bank will bring pressure to bear on you if you don't pay