  •   当地的剧团正在普赖豪斯剧院演《麦克佩斯》.   The local drama group are putting on `Macbeth' at the Playhouse
  • n.  当地部门做的回应我十分不满, 因而向其总部投书.   When I didn't get any satisfaction from the local people I wrote to the head office
  • n.  当庭示的第一件物证是一把刀, 据原告称是为谋杀凶器.   The first exhibit was a knife which the prosecution claimed was the murder weapon
  • n.  当庭示的)证件, 物证, 证据   document, object, etc produced as evidence in a lawcourt (
  •   当心;注意;警惕;查; 找;挑选   look out
  • adv.  当时的首相每次外都与夫偕行.   The then PrimeMinister took her husband with her on all her travels
  •   当漫游归属PLMN国家后,锁闭入呼叫   Barring of Incoming Calls when Roaming outside home (PLMN)
  •   彩色双画面电视播系统   colour double-picture television broadcast system
  • n.  影响我做决定的因素   the factors that influenced my decision
  •   待售; 出售; 上市   for [on] sale
  •   待售,出售   for sale
  •   待在家里, 不出门   keep the house
  •   待在家里, 不出门   keep one's house
  • n.  很一般的(平淡无奇的)演.   performance
  • adj.  很好的, 杰出, 非凡   corking
  • adj.  很少发生的, 不常现的, 难得的, 珍奇的   unfrequent