| - 在争论中硬要说出最后一句话; 强辩到底 get the last word
- 在争论中硬要说出最后一句话; 强辩到底 have the last word
- 在争论中硬要说出最后一句话; 强辩到底 say the last word
- 在争论中硬要说出最后一句话; 强辩到底 get the final word
- 在争论中硬要说出最后一句话; 强辩到底 have the final word
- 在争论中硬要说出最后一句话; 强辩到底 say the final word
- 在争论中;在辩论中 (= in dispute) under dispute
- n. 在事故中他头部和双臂受了重伤. In the crash he suffered severe injuries to the head and arms
- v. 在事故中受的伤很轻[很严重/很重] badly injured in the crash
- 在云层中; 虚无飘渺 in the clouds
- n. 在交谈中你没怎麽说话. You're not taking much share in the conversation, ie you're saying little
- 在产生...之前的斗争中 in the throes of ...
- 在人工繁殖过程中消除(品种的特性) breed out
- n. 在人生中或在国家业务等的发展中的)事情或转变 event or change in the life of a person or in the progress of a country, business, etc (
- 在人群中认出某人[某人的脸] sb's face in a crowd
- adj. 在人际关系中)有技巧的, 得当的, 得体的, 微妙的 showing or needing tact and good judgement in human relations; sensitive (