| - vt. 用压路机碾,粉碎,压倒 steamroll
- vi. 用压路机碾压, 以不可抗拒之力前进 steamroll
- n. 用坏, 损坏, 破坏射击, 冲击, 混合, 粘沾面料, 面拖, 压扁, 收孔 battering
- n. 用塑料模压(成排水管). mould plastic (into drain-pipes)
- v. 用增压法提高(发动机)的功率 by supplying air or fuel above the normal pressure
- n. 用手工压印的皮封面 hand-tooled leather
- n. 用手把生面团压平. Flatten the dough with a press of the hand
- 用手揿压升起泵 force and lift pump
- n. 用手(持物)按、 压、 挤、 榨、 捏等 the hand
- 用残酷的高压手段, 非常严苛地 with a whip of scorpions
- 用皱眉蹙额压制住(反对者等使不敢讲话) frown down
- 用目光压倒; 挫败 face down
- 用目光压倒; 挫败 face sb. down
- n. 用砑光机压光(某物). in a calender
- v. 用辗压机辗压(衣服等). through a mangle
- 用锤、 揉、 压等方法)制作某物或给某物定形 make or shape sth by hammering, kneading, pressing, etc (