  •   瓶盖压入机   capsule press
  •   瓶盖压入机   capsuling machine
  • n.  甑馏, 干馏, 加蒸煮, 加杀菌   retorting
  •   甚高频电子管电压表   VHF vacuum-tube voltmeter
  •   生压胚   Green compact
  •   生压胚   Green pressing
  •   生坯压坯   green compact
  •   生理压力监护仪   biodynamic pressure monitor
  • vt.  用...覆盖, 淹没, 打击, 倒, 吞没   whelm
  •   用以指喷洒颜料、 香水、 化学制品等藉以完全遮住某处, 通常用内式喷雾器或喷枪操作   Compare spray, shower, spatter, splatter, splash and slosh. 试比较spray、 shower、 spatter、 splatter、 splash、 slosh的用法. These verbs indicate the spreading of liquid or powder in a variety of ways. 这些动词表示以不同方式喷洒液体或粉末. We spray small drops of paint, perfume, chemicals, etc, usually with an aerosol or a spray-gun, in order to cover an area completely *spray
  • v.  用以止血、 退烧等的)敷布, 布   pad or cloth pressed on to a part of the body to stop bleeding, reduce fever, etc (
  • adj.  用低冻干法取得的,冻干的   lyophiled
  •   用倾斜压头挤压   pressing with oblique punch
  • n.  用冲法制造(钱币、 奖章等)   by stamping or punching metal
  • v.  用力, 压力, 热力等   apply force, pressure, heat, etc
  • n.  用缩木纤维等制成的)硬薄板   material made of compressed wood fibres, etc and cut into thin stiff sheets (