  • v.  给长沙发装上皮革面   upholster a sofa in leather
  •   给马装上鞍, 备马   saddle up
  • v.  给(上餐桌的食物)加饰   with small additional amounts of food
  • v.  给(单座沙发等)上垫子、 弹簧、 布面等   with padding, springs, fabric covering, etc
  • n.  给(弓、 小提琴、 网球拍等)弦   or strings on (a bow, violin, tennis racket, etc)
  • n.  给(某物)以活节或关节   with a joint or joints
  • v.  给(某物)装发动机   with a motor
  • v.  给(某物)装设新座   with a new seat
  • n.  给(窗户、 凹室等)上帘子   with a curtain or curtains
  • v.  给(管道、 锅炉等)包扎或安绝缘材料(以防冻或保温).   with insulating material to prevent freezing of water or loss of heat
  • v.  给(船)备桅樯、 帆樯、 索具、 帆等.   with masts, spars, ropes, sails, etc
  • v.  给(部队等)备机动车辆   with motor vehicles
  • v.  给(门)安装铰链.   to hinges so that it swings freely
  • n.  给(鞋等)装上钉   put spikes on (shoes, etc)
  • n.  给(马)装鞍   put a saddle on (a horse)
  •   绝对值装置   Absolute Value Device