| - adj. 那是一场公正的拳击比赛(遵守拳击规则). It was a fair fight, ie The rules of boxing were observed
- n. 那法官素以大公无私著称. The judge had a reputation for complete objectivity
- v. 那谣言在公司里慢慢流传开来. The rumour percolated through the firm
- v. 那辆公共汽车从我身边掠过, 离我只有一英寸. The bus just shaved me by an inch
- v. 那辆公共汽车好不容易塞进了四十个人. They managed to squash forty people into the bus
- 那辆公共汽车驶近路边. The bus pulled in to the side of the road
- v. 那辆旧公共汽车格登格登地沿碎石路行驶. The old bus rattled along the stony road
- v. 那辆汽车突然驶离了公路路面. The car suddenly veered off the road
- n. 邪恶, 不公正, 不法, 不义, 不义行为, 罪过, 不公正或邪恶的行为 iniquity
- adv. 邪恶地, 不正当地, 不公正地 unrighteously
- n. 邪恶的及不公正的行为. wicked and unjust act
- n. 邮件延误给这些公司造成极大不便. The companies were greatly inconvenienced by the postal delays
- adj. 邮局、 铁路、 公路等部门提供的)快邮, 速递, 速运 service provided by the post office, railways, road services, etc for carrying goods quickly (
- v. 邮递,公布,布置 post
- n. 邸园, 温带疏林, 稀树草原, 公共用地, 公用场地, 温带之草木区 parkland
- n. 郊外主要公路上的)路边酒店、 饮食店等. pub, restaurant, etc on a main road in the country (