| - n. 他的表情说明他非常不愉快. His expression shows how unhappy he is
- v. 他离去的时候, 她非常伤心. as he left
- n. 他站在门外, 不知如何是好, 非常难受. He stood outside the door in an agony of indecision
- v. 他表现非常恶劣, 使我对他的看法一落千丈. Since he behaved so badly he's gone down in my esteem, ie I do not esteem him so highly
- adj. 他言语肆无忌惮, 惹出了是非. remarks got him into trouble
- indef det 他讲的话并非每句我都能听见. I couldn't hear every word of his speech
- v. 他说他不愿意合作, 是吗? 好, 我们非办办这件事不可! (我一定得让他合作. ) He says he won't co-operate, does he? Well, we'll soon see about that! ie I will insist that he does co-operate
- adj. 他说话时显得非常恐惧. He looked very frightened as he spoke
- 他还在上学时就惹是生非与警方纠缠了. He got into trouble with the police while he was still at school
- 他这一死使整件事啼笑皆非(如偷了钱未及享用即已一命呜呼). His death gave an ironic twist to the story, eg because he died before he could enjoy the money he had stolen
- adj. 他这人非常粗野. a very rude man
- n. 他这件工作做得非常漂亮. He did a very workmanlike job on it
- adj. 他非常吝啬, 不愿借钱给别人. He's very stingy about lending money
- adj. 他非常喜欢我的旧打字机, 所以我就送给他了. He admired my old typewriter so much, I made him a present of it
- n. 他非常喜欢文体活动. He's very fond of sport
- n. 他非常崇拜列奥纳多. showed great reverence for Leonardo