| - n. 一 詞在英式英語中很少使用, 除非用於某些官方用語中 expressway)指避開城鎮的長距離高速公路. A lane is a narrow country road which winds between fields, connecting villages. *lane亦指郊外的狹窄小路, 蜿蜒穿過田間, 連接各個村落. Highway is seldom used in British English except in certain official phrases *highway
- 一個鐘頭走80英裏 do 80 miles an hour
- n. 一千美元, 大鋼琴, 平臺鋼琴, 1000美元, 1000英鎊 grand
- adj. 一尺半長的, 冗長的, 一英尺半的, 極長的, 長語的, 好用長語的, 多音節的, 令人厭倦的 sesquipedalian
- n. 一平方英裏的面積(等於640英畝或約260公頃). piece of land one mile square, equal to 640 acres (about 260 hectares)
- n. 一年約掙 20000 英鎊. in the region of 20000 a year
- adj. 一張挺括的5英鎊新鈔票. a crisp new 5 note
- n. 一手之寬, 掌幅大約4英寸 handsbreadth
- n. 一把十英鎊面額的紙幣. a fistful of ten-pound notes
- n. 一摞厚達12英寸的書. =>App 4,5 見附錄4、 5. a pile of books 12 inches high
- n. 一星期200英鎊的工資 a weekly wage of 200
- indef det 一晚上我至多可掙250英鎊. most I might earn 250 a night
- n. 一晚上賭博輸掉500英鎊. lose 500 in one evening's play
- n. 一架能飛20000英尺高的飛機. an aircraft with a ceiling of 20000 ft
- v. 一標準量的威士忌酒(在英格蘭通常為---吉耳, 在蘇格蘭通常為---吉耳). a measure of whisky, ie in England usu --- gill, in Scotland usu ---
- adv. 一棵周長6英尺的老樹. an old tree that was six feet around