| - 公共消防队 public brigade
- 公共消防队 public fire brigade
- 公安部天津消防科学研究所 Tianjin Fire Research Institute of the Ministry of Public Security
- n. 六个月过去了, 我们仍然没有他们的消息. Six months had passed, and we still had no news of them
- n. 共鸣器, 共鸣体, 共振器, 共振腔, 共鸣器, 振荡电路, 辅助消声器 resonator
- 关于消耗臭氧层物质的蒙特利尔议定书 Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer
- adj. 关於这次危机的消息所知甚少并且很难获得. Information about the crisis was sketchy and hard to get
- prep. 关於那孩子的下落的消息. information respecting the child's whereabouts
- n. 兹奉告..., 甚以为憾. (用於以书信通知坏消息) We regret to inform you..., ie used in letters when giving bad news
- 兼职消防人员 call fireman
- 兼职消防战斗员消防站 retained station
- 兼职消防队员 on call fireman
- adj. 内吸收的, 内吸性的(通过渗入植物组织内以消灭以之为食的昆虫及其他有害生物的) acting by entering the tissues of a plant and killing insects and other pests which try to feed on it
- 内燃机消声器 internal combustion engine exhaust silencer
- n. 内燃机的消音装置, 防音装置, 消声器 quieter
- 内燃机驱动的消防泵 diesel-engine-driven fire pump