  •   其它工标准冷轧钢片(用途及编号   JIS standard & application of other cold Rolled Special Steel
  •   其它焊接材料请参阅工标准目录   Other Soldering Material
  •   养尊处优; 混日子   play the wanton
  • v.  再次经历、 体验或产生(往的情感等)   experience again or reproduce (past emotions, etc)
  • v.  写入日记,记入流水帐   journalise
  • n.  写记的人, 记作者(尤指内容供後发表者).   person who writes a diary, esp one that is later published
  • n.  写进清单、 记、 帐本等的)项目   item written in a list, a diary, an account book, etc (
  • vt.  写错, 写错期, 误记期, 填错期   misdate
  • n.  军旗敬礼分列式(尤指於国君诞辰举行的).   ceremony of carrying a regiment's flag along ranks of soldiers, esp on the birthday of the king or queen
  • n.  军队等每日的)口粮   rations [pl] fixed daily allowance of food in the armed forces, etc (
  • n.  农历五月一, 贝尔坦节   beltane
  • adj.  农场生活与我已过惯的子迥然不同.   Life on a farm is a far cry from what I've been used to
  • adj.  冬天的一个阴冷日子.   a bleak winter day
  • adj.  冬的, 寒冷的, 冬天的   hibernal
  • n.  冬节, 冬季赠礼节, 在该节里分配的礼物, 庆宴, 宴会   potlatch
  • n.  决定大选的期是首相的职权.   It is the Prime Minister's prerogative to decide when to call an election