| - 克拉珀龙-克劳修斯方程 CCE
- 克拉珀龙-克劳修斯方程 Clapeyron-Clausius equation
- n. 克莱里休4行打油诗, 克莱里修四行打油诗 clerihew
- 免修整模制 trimless molding
- 入级修理 classification repair
- 全面检修 complete overhaul
- n. 公众强烈反对修建新机场. There was a public outcry about the building of a new airport
- 公开发表信教, 立志出家修道 profess religion
- n. 养玫瑰花的秘诀就是适时细心修剪. Careful pruning at the right time is the secret of success with roses
- n. 兼作汽车维修等的)加油站 roadside petrol station where vehicles can be serviced and repaired (
- 内底修整机 insole trimming machine
- 内装修材料 interior finish material
- 内踝骨折开放复位(修补)术 Open reduction for medial malleolus fracture
- 内部地板装修 interior floor finish
- 内部装修材料 finish
- vt. 再修改,改造 remodify