| - n. 原蟲外膜, 外質, 外膜, 外囊, 某些單細胞有機體 ectosarc
- adj. 去多弄些油來以免到時候用光了. Go and get some more oil so we don't run short
- n. 參議院, 參議院, 上議院, 元老院, 評議會, 理事會, 立法機構, 立法程序, 立法機構全體成員, (澳、加、法、美等國的)參議院, (古羅馬的)元老院, (一些大學的)評議會, 上院 senate
- adj. 又來了, 又是你那些時髦兒貨色! You and your newfangled notions
- n. 反對[抵製]新政權的某些勢力仍然存在. resistance to the new regime still remained
- adj. 發白的, 帶白色的, 雪魚的一種, 稍帶白色的, 有些蒼白的 whitish
- adj. 發粘的, 膠粘的, 寒酸的, 襤褸的, 破舊不堪的, 俗氣的, 有些粘的, 缺乏教養或風度的 tacky
- 取得一些成就[進展] get somewhere
- n. 受毒品販子盤剝的那些吸毒者. dope addicts exploited by peddlers
- v. 變得年紀大(些)、 富(些)等 , etc
- 衹有在通知這些人的親屬以後纔可透露其姓名. the relatives have been told
- v. 衹有時間才能使人淡忘那些不快的記憶. Time alone will efface those unpleasant memories
- n. 衹有行傢才能領悟和欣賞到的某些方面或細節 the details or aspects of sth which can be recognized and appreciated only by those who understand or know it well
- adj. 衹有那些腦筋舊的人才認為她說的笑話令人吃驚. Only the stuffier members were shocked by her jokes
- n. 衹要稍用些力就能把那雙靴子擦乾淨. If you used a bit of elbow-grease you could get those boots clean
- pron. 衹要稍稍推遲些就有時間作準備了. A little delay will give one time to prepare