| - 细腰狭裙式成套服装 peplum suit
- n. 细香葱叶(作色拉调料或装饰用切碎的). these leaves chopped and used to flavour or decorate salads, etc
- adj. 织入的, 刺绣的, 嵌入的, 织入的, 有刺绣的, 装饰...的, 与...紧密配合的, 织有花纹的, 织有图案的, 嵌有…的, (花纹等)织如…中的, 嵌入…中的 inwrought
- 织锦桑波缎套装 brocade Sang Pu satin suit
- n. 经匣, 令人连想的事物, 护符, 避邪符, 提醒的人或物, (犹太人祈祷时用的)装希伯来经文的皮制小盒, 经文护符匣, 令人联想的事物 phylactery
- 经改装的低污染车辆 retrofitted low-pollution vehicle
- 经改装而使功率加大的)高速汽车. motor vehicle modified to have extra power and speed (
- n. 经济装(减价发售的大包装货品) an economy pack, ie a large amount of a product offered for sale at a reduced price
- 经胸切开术装置或置换永久性心内节律器及心肌电极-单导线 Insertion or replacement of permanent interal pacenaker & myocardial electrodes by thoracotomy—Single electrode catheter
- 经胸切开术装置或置换永久性心内节律器及心肌电极-多导线 Insertion or replacement of permanent interal pacenaker & myocardial electrodes by thoracotomy—Multiple electrode catheters
- n. 经营男子服装的店主. shopkeeper who sells men's clothing
- adj. 经过布置的, 装软垫的, 舒适的, 豪华的, 肥胖的, 稳重的 upholstered
- 绑, 包扎, 包装 tie up
- n. 绒丝带, 花边, 用金属丝做心的丝制钓绳, 嵌芯辫带, 加固钓鱼丝, 花边粗线花纹, 外噪声, 操作噪声, (装饰服装、窗帘等的)嵌心丝带, 加固的钓丝, 嵌心狭辫带 gimp
- 绒线鲨鱼皮绒西装 wool worsted sharkskin suit
- n. 结实的带状织物(用作家具装饰、 地毯边、 带子等). strong bands of woven fabric used in upholstery, for binding the edges of carpets and for making belts, etc