| - 国际汽车大奖赛中的任何一场比赛. any of a series of races for the international motor-racing championship
- 国际象棋中的一步)用车护王. move either castle to the square next to the king and the king to the square on the other side of that castle (
- n. 国际象棋中的)僵局, 和棋(一方只能移动王棋以摆脱困境). position of the pieces in the game of chess in which the player whose move it is cannot move without putting his king in check (
- n. 国际象棋中)使(卒)升变为后(至对方底线者). into a queen by moving it across the board to the opponent's end (
- v. 国际象棋中)将, 将军(向对方的呼叫). call made to one's opponent to show that his king is in check (
- v. 国际象棋中)将军 situation in which a player must move his king in order to prevent its capture by his opponent (
- v. 国际象棋中)将(对方的王). Cf 参看 checkmate. in a position in which he must move his king to prevent its capture (
- 国际资料抢救协调中心 IDRCC
- 国际资料抢救协调中心 International Data Rescue Co-ordination Centre (IDRCC)
- n. 国际都市, 国际都市(指居民中有许多不同国籍的人) cosmopolis
- 国际铁路运输中心事务所 Central Office for International Railway Transport
- n. 图书馆中放散文类书籍的书架. Cf 参看 fiction1. the non-fiction shelves in the library
- n. 图书馆中有大量图书的生物学部 the library's extensive biology section
- n. 图书馆等中的)编目. system of grouping books, magazines, etc according to their subject (
- n. 图像, 影像, 肖像, 想像, 像, 偶像, 塑像, 石像, 影象, 图象, 形象, 典型, 形象化的描绘, 象喻, 映象词, 印象, 想象, 相象的人或物, 翻版, 化身, 实象, 意象, 概念, (心中的)影像, 直喻, 隐喻, 表象, 映像, 形象化的比喻, 极为相象 image
- 图像信号中频变压器 image intermediate frequency transformer