| - 紫外线照射装置 UV irradiation equipment
- adj. 累赘的, 恼人的, 艰难的, 沉重的, 难于负担的, 忧虑的, 有输送能力的, 容积巨大的, 装货的, 麻烦的, 繁重的, 烦累的, 难以承担的 burdensome
- 纠错装置 error correction device
- 红外伪装 infrared camouflage
- 纤维素薄膜包装袋 cellulose film bag
- 级联同位素分离装置 cascade isotope separation plant
- 级进变速装置 run-through change gear
- vt. 纫针, 把线穿过(针孔), (把影片)装入电影放映机 thread
- n. 纯以灰色的装饰画法, 纯灰色画 grisaille
- n. 纯毛织品, 贼鸥, 贼鸥, 猎人, 穿猎人服装的保镖, 狙击兵 jaeger
- adj. 纯艺术(为艺术而艺术而不以装饰为目的, 如绘画、 雕塑等). Cf 参看 applied (apply). pureart, ie art created for its own sake, and not for decoration,eg painting, sculpture, etc
- 纯蓝装饰地毯 pure blue decoration carpet
- 纵向加油装置 longitudinal refueling device
- 纵向安装 longitudinally-mounted
- 纵向肋片装配法 longitudinal finning
- v. 纵帆船的纵向帆装. the fore-and-aft rig of a schooner