  • n.  这袋土豆少五公斤.   This sack of potatoes is five kilos light
  • adj.  这趟共汽车又来迟了, 简直太不像话了!   The bus is late again it's absolutely disgraceful!
  • v.  这项有关贿赂的指控是对一个正直民的无耻诽谤.   This accusationof bribery is a vile smear on an honourable citizen
  • adj.  这项消息无须公开.   This information is privileged
  • adj.  这项裁决并非对每人都正.   The ruling was not fair to everyone
  •   进出口商品检验公司   Import and Export Commodities Inspection Corporation
  • n.  违反路法、 侵犯版权、 侵犯某人的隐私权.   an infringement of the highway code, of copyright, of sb's privacy
  • v.  连同家具一起出租的寓   a furnished flat, ie one rented complete with its furniture
  • n.  连家具出租的公寓.   building where furnished rooms can be rented
  • n.  连接两条高速路的新路.   the two motorways
  • n.  连接高速路的新支线.   a new feeder road for the motorway
  • n.  连接高速路的)岔道. =>illus at App   road used for driving onto or off a motorway (
  • n.  退休金, 年金, 抚恤金, 膳食寓, 膳食学校, 膳食费, 宿费, 养老金, (欧洲大陆国家的)膳宿寓   pension
  • v.  送急件的人将包裹送来(送到我们办室)了.   A courier delivered the parcels (to our office).
  • n.  适应社会生活, 有化, 社会化, 国有化, 社会主义化   socialization
  • adj.  适度的, 稳健的, 温和的, 中等的, 有节制的, 中庸的, 普通的, 迟钝的, 慢化的, 减速的, 道的, 花费不多的, 不过分的, 不激烈的, 适中的   moderate