出Chinese English Phrase:
| - adj. 岁是个出麻烦的年龄. 13 is a difficult age, ie Children have problems then. 13
- n. 岩层等的)露头(露出地表的部分). that can be seen above the surface of the ground (
- n. 岬, 海角, 向水中突出的陆地, 畦头未耕的一条地 headland
- adv. 崇高地, 华美地, 高尚地, 豪爽地, 豁达地, 壮丽地, 宏伟地, 出身于贵族, 高贵地 nobly
- 崭新的; 刚从学校出来的 fresh off the irons
- 崭新的; 刚从学校出来的 new off the irons
- n. 巡回乐队管理员, 巡回演出队经理人 roadie
- n. 巡回比赛、 演出等 official series of visits for the purposeof playing matches, giving performances, etc
- adj. 巡回演出的, 徘徊的, 巡游的, 漫游的 strolling
- n. 巡回演出的剧团、 流行乐乐队等的)停留演出 stop made for a performance by a touring theatrical company, pop group, etc (
- 巡回演出的戏剧、 歌舞喜剧等. play, musical, etc performed by a company on tour
- n. 巡回演出的流行音乐乐队等的工作人员(尤指搬道具和布置场地者). person who works with a pop group, etc on tour, esp moving and setting up equipment
- 巡回演出队 mobile troupe
- n. 巡视官(调查公民对政府提出陈诉的特派员). official appointed by a government to investigate and report on complaints made by citizens against public authorities
- v. 工人们先发制人接管了工厂以阻止厂主将工厂出售. The workers took control of the factory in order to pre-empt its sale by the owners
- 工人阶级的看法、 家庭、 出身. working-class attitudes, families, origins