| - v. 這座大樓的一部分隔開用作辦公室了. Part of the building has been subdivided into offices
- n. 這座新辦公樓在這片風景中很礙眼. The new office block is an excrescence on the landscape
- n. 這座橋梁下面的淨空高度不夠, 公共汽車不能通行. There is not enough headroom for buses to go under this bridge
- adj. 這座花園嚮公衆開放. This garden is open to the public
- 這所房子與公路很有一段距離. The house is set well back from the road
- v. 這故事是由主人公自己講 The story is narrated by its hero
- n. 這是等候公共汽車的隊嗎? Is this the queue for the bus?
- v. 這是該畫首次公開展出. It's the first time the painting has been displayed to the public
- v. 這條公路與鐵路平行. The road runs parallel to the railway
- v. 這條公路穿過荒蕪的山區. The road traverses a wild and mountainous region
- v. 這條公路通往倫敦嗎? Does this road go to London?
- adv. 這條河長五十多公裏. The river is over fifty kilometres long
- v. 這條高速公路上有超速監測器. Police speed traps are operating on this motorway
- n. 這次審判嘲弄了法律的公正性. The trial was a travesty of justice
- v. 這次護士罷工集中地反映出公衆對醫療事業的關心. The nurses' strike typifies public concern about our hospitals
- n. 這百貨公司有四個緊急出口. There are four emergency exits in the department store