| - 回转中耕机 rotary cultivator
- 回顾, 检查中 in review
- adj. 因为其中有我的利益, 所以我不得投票. , I was not allowed to vote
- n. 因光线来自一边, 画中人的脸有一半成为阴暗部分. The light from one side leaves half the subject's face in shadow
- n. 因发生一场斗殴, 我的帽子也在混乱中丢失了. There was a scuffle and I lost my hat in the melee
- adj. 因受其他事物的依附)极重要的, 关键的, 中心的 of great importance because other things depend on it; central (
- n. 因子分解, 因式分解, 代理经营, 代收帐款, 中间商向工商企业购买应收帐款, 从中取得商定的贴现, 但必须承担亏损的风险 factoring
- n. 因忽略了细节而嫌美中不足的作品. work marred by inattention to detail
- adj. 因有电话骚扰而不将电话号码列入电话簿中. go ex-directory because of hoax telephone calls
- adv. 因此, 从而, 所以, 在那附近, 在那方面, 由此, therebyhangsatale此中另有趣闻, 在那附近 thereby
- adj. 因疾病而不幸中断的事业 a career tragically cut short by illness
- n. 因触怒上帝在地狱中遭受的煎熬 a ball of fire => ball1. a baptism of fire => baptism. between two `fires being shot at from two directions 腹背受敌(受到两面夹攻). catch fire => catch1. draw sb's fire => draw2. the fat is in the fire => fat2. ,fire and `brimstone torture suffered in Hell as a result of God's anger
- v. 因负重或受压)向下凹或中间下陷 sink or curve down in the middle under weight or pressure (
- n. 因飞机票涨价, 他们在度假费用中向我们增收了10%附加费. They've surcharged us 10% on the price of the holiday because of a rise in air fares
- adj. 因高兴、 恐惧、 悲伤、 忧虑等而精神不能集中. distractedly adv distracted with joy, fear, sorrow, anxiety, etc
- n. 团体中的)闲散人员 member of a team, crew, etc who does not do as much work as the others (