| - n. 尤指印度的)被驱逐出或不属於某阶级或种姓的(人), 贱民. expelled from or not belonging to a fixed social class or caste (
- n. 尤指大量的)出血. bleeding (
- adj. 尤指戏剧演出)粗俗滑稽的, 打闹的 rough and boisterous in a funny way; slapstick (
- n. 尤指旧时)出身高贵有地位的女子 woman of good family and social position (
- n. 尤指旧时)地下密牢(出入口在顶部). secret dungeon or underground prison with an entrance only by a trapdoor in the roof (
- 尤指澳大利亚的)飞行医生(乘飞机到偏远地区出诊的). doctor who travels in an aircraft to visit patients who live in distant or isolated places (
- n. 尤指金钱的)支出额 spent (
- v. 尤指鸟)叫出柔和的颤音 sing in a continuous gentle trilling way (
- adv. 就这样, 她连喊带叫一个钟头, 含著眼泪走出去了. So after shouting and screaming for an hour she walked out in tears
- n. 尽管下著雨, 他们还是出去了. They went out in spite of the rain
- n. 尽管她没有资格参加这次晚宴, 我认为出於礼节还是应该邀请她. Although she is not entitled to attend the dinner, I think she should be invited as a matter of form, ie because it is correct or polite
- adj. 尽管这不是世界上最好的工作, 但不失为生活的出路. It may not be the best job in the world, but it's a living
- prep. 尽量不要出错. Try and do it without making any mistakes
- 尿排出量 urinary output
- 尿排出量 urinary volume
- 尿道出血 urethremorrhagia