| - n. 盎格鲁族之方言,盎格鲁族人 anglian
- n. 监护部(医院中监护刚做过手术的病人的地方) area of a hospital where patients are kept immediately after an operation
- n. 监督官, 管理者, 监督人, 管理人, 管理官, 地方行政长官 intendant
- 盖林格速度方程 Geiringer velocity Equation
- 盛行的管理方式或制度(如商业中的) prevailing method or system of administration (eg in a business)
- 目前我们不考虑在你方区域进行独家销售 We have no intention of considering exclusive sells in your market at present
- n. 目前的舆论气氛(对生活、 政策等方面). the current climate of opinion, ie the general or fashionable attitude to an aspect of life, policy, etc
- 直交方式 right angle system
- n. 直升机把幸存者吊起送到安全的地方(如救援海中遇难者). to safety
- adv. 直径方面, 完全、全然, 完全地, 全然地, 直接地, 作为直径地 diametrically
- 直接行动(用罢工、 暴力等方式而不经协商来达到目的). use of strikes, violence, etc instead of negotiation to achieve one's demands
- 直接调控方式向 to increase the reliance on indirect policy instruments
- 直方图修改 histogram modification
- 直方图正态化 histogram normalization
- 直方图线性化 histogram linearization
- 直方图阈值化 histogram thresholding