| - v. 將(某人)逐出基督教教會(剝奪教籍的懲罰). as a punishment from the rights and privileges of membership of the Christian Church
- v. 將(某物質、 細菌等)從其種群中離析或分離出來 from its combination with others
- n. 將(某物)包裝(如為出售) in a package, eg for selling
- n. 將(植物等)連根挖出或拔起. with the roots
- n. 將(款額等)記入現金出納機 on a cash register
- n. 將(肉、 蔬菜等)加熱(熬出汁液). in a pan with fat or water, in order to extract the juices
- n. 小偷乘沒人註意時溜了出去. while no one was looking
- v. 小號奏出嘹亮的樂麯歡迎女王駕到. A flourish of trumpets marked the Queen's arrival
- n. 小品演出[臺詞/角色]. role
- adj. 小心--你要是出事故, 我要負責的. Be careful if you have an accident I'll be liable
- adj. 小心的, 仔細的, 註意的, 小心謹慎的, 周到的, 關心的, 細緻的, 精心的, 憂慮的, 謹慎的, 用心從事工作的, 切實的, 精細的, 謹慎地做出來的, 吝嗇的 careful
- v. 小心那把傘--你差一點把我的眼睛戳出來! =>Usage at nudge 用法見nudge. Be careful with that umbrella you nearly jabbed my eye out!
- n. 小報, 短劇, (供手拉或懸挂的)短小的突出物, 易拉罐拉環, 標簽, 銘牌, 賬單, 費用, (打字機的)製表鍵, 製表, 標號, TAB鍵, 製表符, 小報, 帳單, 短小突出部 tab
- 小桶啤酒(用氣壓壓出). beer served from kegs, using gas pressure
- n. 小河在沙地上衝出了一條溝. a channel in the sand
- n. 小狗還沒長出多少毛. The puppies haven't got much fur yet