| - 将某人逐出门外;赶走某人 show sb. the door
- v. 将某人饿得从隐藏处出来 force sb out of a hiding-place, etc by stopping supplies of food
- adj. 将某物中的东西取出置於他处 and put them somewhere else
- v. 将某物撞出窟窿、 凹痕等 The fireman smashed the door down to reach the children. 消防员破门而入冲向孩子们. smash sth in make a hole, dent, etc in sth by hitting it with great force
- n. 将灰从(炉、 等)里耙出来. remove ashes from (a fire, kiln, etc)
- n. 将牛奶倒入罐中[从罐中倒出] from a jug
- 将石块砌成一层比一层稍稍突出状, 依次排列 set stone out
- v. 将船首朝上风, 驶出上风, 转舵 luff
- v. 将词或字母用另一字母体系中的字母写出 write words or letters in or as the letters of a different alphabet
- v. 将(别人的意见等)当作自己的表达出 as if they were one's own
- n. 将(图画等的某部)颜色加深(如加铅笔线条以显出明暗效果) , eg with parallel pencil lines, to give an effect of light and shade
- v. 将(外国人、 罪犯等)驱逐出境 to leave a country
- v. 将(房客或佃户)逐出(尤指依法) from a house or land, esp with the support of the law
- n. 将(所盛之物)倒出 to pour out by tilting
- n. 将(未完税)货物存入关栈[将(已完税)货物由关栈提出]. sb's word is as good as his bond => word. take goods out of bond
- v. 将(某事物)提出讨论或引起注意 up for discussion or attention; put forward