| - adj. 无光的, 漆黑的 aphotic
- 无光黑 Berlin black
- adj. 无形的黑暗、 恐怖、 害怕. impalpable darkness, horror, fear
- 无月之夜的一片黑暗. the inky darkness of a moonless night
- n. 无月期间, 黑暗时间, 空档 interlunation
- n. 无核葡萄干, 无核小粒葡萄干, 红醋栗树, 红醋栗, 醋栗丛, 葡萄干, 黑醋栗 currant
- 无硫黑火药 sulphurless powder
- n. 日光浴床(设有特殊灯光, 用以晒黑皮肤或治疗某些疾病) bed equipped with special lights used for giving sb an artificial sun-tan or in treating certain medical conditions
- n. 日射病, 中暑, 日射病黑斑 heliosis
- 日本厚黑木耳 dried edible Japanese thick black fungus
- n. 日蚀, 月蚀, 衰落, 食, 漆黑, 晦暗, 丧失, 黯然失色, 蚀, 失去, 丧失(名声、威望等), 食, 蒙蔽 eclipse
- n. 旧时为表示哀悼而披戴的)黑色绉绸或绉布. Cf 参看 crepe. black silk or cotton material with a wrinkled surface, formerly worn as a sign of mourning (
- adj. 昏暗的, 暗黑的, 肮脏的, 褪色的, 邋遢的 dingy
- 昏黑, 漆黑 as black as night
- 昏黑, 漆黑 as dark as night
- n. 春天天渐渐黑得晚了. In spring the evenings start to get lighter