| - 今年的销售额之高完全超出我们的预料. This year's sales figures go beyond all our expectations, ie are much better than we thought they would be
- adj. 从他在公司的高职位上. from his exalted position in the firm
- adj. 从令人眩晕的高处俯视 look down from a giddy height
- n. 从地面观测太阳或其他星球到达的最高点. highest point reached by the sun or other star, as viewed from a given point on the earth's surface
- n. 从山上居高远望, 日出景象蔚为奇观. The sunrise seen from high in the mountains was a tremendous spectacle
- 从高处; 从天上 from high (=from on high)
- prep. 从高处下望, 这座城镇占地很广. Seen from above the town covers a wide area
- prep. 从(较高的或妨碍运动的某物)的一边到另一边 from one side to the other of (sth which has height and may obstruct movement)
- n. 他不喜欢那工作, 但薪水很高. He doesn't like the job, but the pay is good
- adj. 他个子高而且很瘦. He's tall and rather thin
- v. 他从来不心平气和地说话--总是高声喊叫. He never speaks calmly just snaps all the time
- n. 他以很高的价钱卖了那所房子. for a good price
- adj. 他们一般高. They are of equal height
- pron. 他们付给我的薪水不太高. The salary they pay me is none too high
- adj. 他们住在高等住宅区. They live in the posh part of town
- n. 他们兴高采烈地欢迎总统. They greeted the president with many expressions of pleasure