| - 賽培爾力 serber force
- 轉換開關式安培表 commutator ammeter
- 轉運培養基 Transport culture medium
- n. 運水果的船, 會結果的樹, 果樹, 水果裝運船, 果樹栽培者, 果農 fruiter
- n. 還可作豢養的動物展覽或栽培的花草展覽, 常為有奬競賽. Paintings, drawings, etc are displayed in an exhibition 繪畫等則在exhibition中展出 A show can also be of domestic animals or plants, often in competition for prizes. *show
- n. 這個網球俱樂部是培養年輕選手的場所. The tennis club is a seed-bed for young talent
- n. 這種培訓是以討論與講課的形式進行的. seminars and lectures
- n. 進行護理(職業)培訓 nursing
- v. 逐步培養(孩子的)責任感. into one's children)
- 通用原子公司培訓研究和同位素生産堆 training
- 通用原子公司培訓研究和同位素生産堆 research
- 通用原子公司培訓研究和同位素生産堆 isotope production reactor of general atomic
- v. 通過重新培訓、 治療等)使(某人)恢復正常生活(尤指出獄者或病愈者) to a normal life by retraining, medical treatment, etc, esp after imprisonment or illness (
- 道德培養, 德育 moral upbringing
- 鑒別培養 differential culture
- 鉗形安培表 clamp-on ammeter