| - n. 注意间隔, 否则这个标题一行排不下. Be careful with your spacing or you won't get the heading on one line
- n. 测深锤, 铅锤(悬挂於绳上的铅块, 用以测水深或墙等是否垂直). piece of lead that is tied to a cord and used to find the depth of water or test whether a wall, etc is vertical
- v. 照清单查点各项(看是否相符) check the items against the list, ie to see that it tallies
- v. 犯罪案件是否在减少? Is crime on the decrease?
- n. 犯罪行为的根源是否始自幼时? Are the seeds of criminal behaviour sown early in life?
- v. 犹豫, 踌躇, 不知是否应 boggle
- v. 理查德和戴维极力想把问题列入议程, 但遭多数票否决. Richard and David tried to get the question put on the agenda but they were heavily outvoted
- 甚至, 连...也...(一般用于否定句) so much as
- adv. 用以否定紧跟其後的词或短语的意义) (used to deny the significance of the following word or phrase
- 用以承认某事属实, 进而提问其重要性或是否某人要有何行动) (used to admit that sth is true, but to question whether it is important or whether sb is going to do anything about it
- conj. 用以表示威胁)否则後果不妙 or something bad will happen (
- conj. 用以表示怀疑将来的事能否发生) ,if and `when (used to express uncertainty about a possible event in the future
- adv. 用於疑问句和否定式陈述句中. In positive statements it is used generally with only, much and a lot. 若用於肯定式陈述句中, 通常与only、 much、 a lot连用. The verb must be in the present perfect tense动词必须用现在完成时态 Lately is used in questions and negative statements. *lately
- adv. 用法最广, 可用於肯定式陈述句、 否定式陈述句及疑问句中, 与过去时态和现在完成时态连用 Recently has the widest use, in positive and negative statements and questions, with the past tense and the present perfect tense *recently
- vt. 用测锤测量(水的)深度, 用铅锤测定是否垂直, (常与in连用)接上水管, 查明, 了解, 使垂直, 用铅增加重量, 探测 plumb
- v. 由专家确认该画是否为真迹. Experts vouch for the painting's authenticity