些Chinese English Phrase:
| - n. 动植物体内或某些机器中封闭的)洞穴, 腔, 室 enclosed space or cavity in the body of an animal, in a plant or in some kinds of machinery (
- n. 劳方对这些改革有何想法? How does the shop-floor feel about these changes?
- 北美印第安某些部落战士戴的)羽毛头饰. feathered head-dress worn by the warriors of certain N American Indian tribes (
- n. 医生的薪水应该高些吗? Should doctors' salaries be higher?
- 医生给了她一些止疼药片. The doctor has given her some tablets to take away the pain
- v. 医生给了她一些治咳嗽的药片吃. The doctor has given her some pills to take for her cough
- suff. 医生让我服用这些药片. The doctor put me on these tablets
- n. 千里光(开黄花的草, 有时用作某些笼养鸟的食物). weed with yellow flowers, sometimes used as food for certain cage-birds
- 午饭有(些)芦笋 asparagus for lunch
- n. 南斯拉夫的货币单位, 伊拉克的货币单位, 第纳尔, 第纳尔(南斯拉夫以及中东、北非一些国家的货币) dinar
- n. 博物馆新陈列一些有趣的印度展品. The museum has some interesting new exhibits from India
- n. 博物馆里有些很好的岩石和矿石标本. There were some fine specimens of rocks and ores in the museum
- n. 印度的世袭阶级, 社会团体, 印度的世袭等级, 社会阶级或地位, 社会阶级制度, 某些昆虫内类似社会性分工的种类, 社会等级, 社会地位, (印度的)世袭阶级, 种性, 职业等级, 社会等级制度 caste
- adv. 即使她有时说些傻话, 她的想法基本上是好的. Her ideas are fundamentally sound, even if she says silly things sometimes
- adj. 即便是她偶尔犯一些错误--她也是人哪. Even she makes mistakes occasionally she's only human
- adj. 即便这样, 她的话也还是有些道理. All the same, there's some truth in what she says