| - 液压起重器组 hydraulic jack set
- n. 液压起重机, 通气管, 水力起重机., (潜泳者用的)水下呼吸管, (潜艇的)水下通气管 snorkel
- 液压转向助力器 hydraulic steering booster
- 液压转向泵 hydraulic steering pump
- 液压轮式铲运机 hydraulic wheel scraper
- 液压轮胎式装载机 hydraulic wheeled loader
- 液压连接 hydraulic connection
- 液压通用磨床 hydraulic univesal grinder
- 液压通过式压花熨平机 hydraulic through feed embossing and ironing machine
- 液压通过式振动刮软机 hydraulic through feed vibration staking machine
- 液压遥控装置 telemotor
- 液压遥测计 hydraulic telemeter
- 液压金属挤压机 hydraulic metal extrusion press
- 液压金属板料折弯机 hydraulic sheet-metal bending press
- 液压钢丝绳插套联合机 hydraulic wirerope inserting and looping machine
- 液压钻机 hydraulic drill rig