  • adj.  命中注定…的   foredoomed
  • adj.  命注定的, 宿命的, 命运决定了的, 命运决定的, 受命运支配的   fated
  •   命中靶心; 大获成功   hit a bull's eye
  •   命中靶心; 大获成功   make a bull's eye
  •   命靶心; 达到既定的目的   score a bull's eye
  • v.  命令我从自己的家出去, 真太气人了.   It peeves me to be ordered out of my own house
  •   和 ... 交涉中   be in treaty with
  •   和...密议中   be in conclave with
  •   和already均用以表示到某时或某时前可能完成的动作. 两者多与完成时态连用(在美式英语还与简单过去时态连用). Yet is only used in negative statements and in questions *yet只用於否定的陈述句及疑问句   . *yet
  • n.  和display不必有特定的或永久的地点. At a demonstration one sees how something works or is done 在demonstration可以看到某事物的操作情形   A demonstration and a display do not require a specific or permanent site.*demonstration
  • indef det  和every一般都作限定词, 用於单数可数名词之前. Each is used when the items in a group (of two or more) are considered individually *each用以指一个群体(至少两个)个别的个体   Each and every are generally used as determiners before singular countable nouns. *each
  • prep.  和on均意为‘关於’. A book, film or lecture on Chinese art, education or prehistory suggests a serious, academic presentation. 在关於国的艺术, 教育或史前时期的书, 电影或演讲, 用on意味著具有严肃的学术性的内容. A book, discussion or TV programme about China, schools or dinosaurs is of more general interest and more informal. 在关於国, 学校或恐龙的书, 讨论会或电视节目, 用about则更具一般性和通俗性.   Both about and on can mean `on the subject of'. *about
  •   和风磨战斗; 和想象的坏人坏事战斗   fight windmills [tilt at windmills]
  •   咖啡因中毒   caffeism
  • v.  咨询处设在市中心.   The information office is located in the city centre
  • n.  咯咯声, 高笑声, 饶舌闲谈, 咯咯叫声, 饶舌, 废话, 呵呵笑, 剧对白, 高声笑, 闲谈   cackle