  • v.  对贸然做的决定感到懊悔   regret rushed decisions
  • indef det  对这两种情况都未做决定.   In neither case was a decision reached
  • v.  对这个孩子表现这种行为的原因做的过於简单化的解释.   an over-simplified interpretation of the reasons for the child's behaviour
  • v.  对这个问题, 我提不什麽新看法.   I can find nothing new to say on this subject
  • v.  对这出戏反应如何?   How was the play received?
  • v.  对选区做的不公正重新划分.   such a rearrangement
  • n.  对选区已作某些不公正的重新划分.   There has been some gerrymandering
  • n.  对那戏不厌其烦地精心计画, 到头来却并不成功.   A lot of fuss was made of the play, but it wasn't a success
  • n.  对酗酒者提辅导的精神病科医生.   a psychiatrist who counsels alcoholics
  • adj.  对问题的随口而的回答   a ready answer to the question
  • n.  对首相的权威性郑重提的异议.   a serious challenge to the Prime Minister's authority
  • adj.  对(某事物)做某种反应   in the specified manner
  • n.  对(某事物)的真实性或有效性提质询   question the truth or validity of (sth)
  • v.  对(某人或某人的能力、 体力等)提高的要求   make great demands on (sb or sb's ability, strength, etc)
  •   对(赔偿等)提要求...   make a claim for
  •   导出估价值   derived estimate