| - n. 高[低]收入阶层 low income groups
- 高[低]教会派, 重[不重]礼仪的圣公会中的一派。 the High [Low] Church
- 高[低]栏赛跑 the high [low] hurdles
- 高[低]潮 high[low] water
- n. 高[低]纬度地区(指离赤道远近而言). near to the equator
- n. 高[低]阶层的人. low degree
- n. 高[低]频的声音 low-frequency sounds
- 高pH值 high pH
- 高丁公式 Gaudin's equation
- 高中压阀门 high and middle pressure valve
- 高中子通量 high neutron flux
- 高中新学制 new academic structure of senior secondary schools
- 高中档服装生产线 garb production line for making high and middle grade garment
- n. 高中毕业到升入大学前这段时间的临时工作. a temporary job to fill the gap between school and university
- 高丽肉条 deep-fried pork strips Korean style
- 高丽虾丸 prawn balls in Korean style