  •   对某人以记帐方式购物的付款情况作的)信誉评估, 信用等级.   assessment of how reliable sb is in paying for goods bought on credit (
  • n.  对某人像发连珠炮似的说侮辱的话、 提问题、 看法等.   fire insults, questions, ideas, etc at sb
  •   对某人 口不逊; 恶语伤人   give sb. the rough side of one's tongue
  •   对某人 口不逊; 恶语伤人   give sb. a lick with the rough side of one's tongue
  • adj.  对某人自直觉的讨厌   an instinctive dislike of sb
  • adv.  对某人感到、 表示或表达不满或有敌意   feel, show or express disapproval or hostility towards sb
  • adj.  对某人提无理的要求.   make unreasonable demands on sb
  • n.  对某人的动机提疑问   question sb's motives
  • n.  对某人的品格做不公正的评语   make an unfair judgement of sb's character
  • adj.  对某人的品行提异议   question sb's morals
  • adj.  对某项计画提有力的反对   raise valid objections to a plan
  • n.  对某项陈述、 要求、 决定等提质疑   dispute a statement, claim, decision, etc
  • v.  对比(以显两人或事物的差异)   so that differences are made clear
  • v.  对簿法庭, 在法庭相争, 诉讼, 提诉讼   litigate
  • n.  对裁断提出疑义[异议]   dispute a verdict
  • adj.  对诊断是何疾病无甚参考价值的症状(即该症状显示不是何疾病).   symptoms that were of little diagnostic value, ie that did not indicate the patient's disease