  • abbr.  号房间(如旅馆的).   rm 603, eg in a hotel 603
  • n.  司令官, 指挥官, 指挥者, (海军)校, 副舰长, 大木槌, 海军校   commander
  •   司梅汀中学   Smeltings
  •   吃...过日子; 用...喂养鸟兽等; 从...得到满足[供养]   feed on
  • n.  合同有延迟交货的惩罚规定.   It is part of the contract that there is a penalty for late delivery
  • adj.  合同未直接载明的责任.   obligations which are implicit in the contract
  • n.  合同中的一个漏洞.   a flaw in a contract
  • v.  合同规定屋顶要用红瓦而不用石板瓦.   The contract specifies red tiles, not slates, for the roof
  • n.  合同该条款包括在内.   the inclusion of the clause in the contract
  •   合同违约罚款的规定.   part of a contract stating that money must be paid if sb breaks the contract
  • adj.  合唱的)最高音(尤指连续的男声)   highest voice in choral singing, esp the unbroken male voice (
  • n.  合成橡胶, 橡胶, 摩擦者, 按摩师, 擦背人, 摩擦物, 摩器, 砂皮, 黑板擦, 毛巾, 抹布, 磨具, 粗锉, 磨石, 砥石, 磨砂, 橡胶状物, 橡皮筋, 橡皮, 橡皮套鞋, 本垒, 挖苦, 讥讽, 阻碍, 困难, 不幸, 职业刺客, 凶手, (纸牌三盘构成的)一局, 连续数局的一场国际比赛   rubber
  •   合成维生素E中间体   intermediate of synthetic vitamin E
  • adj.  吉尔是一家三个孩子最大的.   Jill is the eldest of three, ie the oldest child in a family with three children
  • adj.  吉尔是我三个孩子年龄最大的.   Jill is the eldest of my three children
  • n.  吊窗绳(一端有坠, 另一端固著於垂直拉窗的窗框, 间有滑轮, 可使窗户停留在任何开启位置).   cord with a weight at one end running over a pulley and attached to a sash, allowing the window to be kept open in any position