| - adj. (指不该空者)空的, 几乎空了的 empty or almost empty (of the expected contents)
- n. (指书)已销售一空的, 绝版的 no longer available from the publisher
- n. (指发动机)空转, 慢转 idle
- adj. (指文件等)有空白处的(供填写答覆、签字等) with empty spaces for writing answers, a signature, etc
- adj. (指部队)受过空战训练的 specially trained for operations using aircraft
- (没有家具的)空房间 a bare room
- adj. (用在名词后面)愿望落空的, 不成功的 manque
- (计划、安排等)失败,落空 go by the board
- vi. (飞机)低空飞行, 超低空飞行, 话题变来变去 hedgehop