| - v. 黄昏时分天空红霞灿灿. The evening sky was suffused with crimson
- n. 黄铜, 黄铜色, 铜器, 铜管乐器, 黄铜轴衬, 空炮筒壳, 黄铜制品, 钱, 厚颜无耻, 高级军官, 领导人物, 大人物, 妓女, 钱, 厚颜无耻, 厚脸皮 brass
- adj. 黎明时分天空呈现的深粉红色. the roseate hues of dawn
- n. 黎明时天空中浓淡不同的青色 tints of green in the sky at dawn
- adj. 黎明时天空斑斓的色彩 the mellow colours of the dawn sky
- n. 齐发, 齐射, 排放, 连发, 齐投轰炸, 群射出的子弹, 多处炸药同时爆炸, 飞击, 飞踢截击, (子弹、石块等的)齐射, 弹雨, 齐掷, (常与of连用)(质问等的)齐发, 连珠炮, 凌空击球, 凌空踢球, 群射, 迸发, 网球 volley
- n. 齐行, 整版(为使版面四周空白均匀而对铅字等位置的调整). arrangement of lines of type so that the margins are even
- n. (书籍、 论据等中的)脱漏, 阙文, 缺漏, 空白 section missing from a book, an argument, etc; gap
- n. (使某物)膨胀(如有空气) with air
- n. (呼吸的)空气 air taken into and sent out of the lungs
- adj. (在水中或空中)漂浮著 floating in water or air
- prep. (在空间或时间上比某人[某事物])更前, 更早 ; in front of
- (在空间或时间上)回到先前某点 return to an earlier point in space or time
- v. (在空间或时间上)接近, 靠近(某人[某事物]) in space or time
- n. (均为可数名词)指具体的空处, 通常指座位 are used for specific spaces, usually for people to sit *place和seat
- vt. (常与out连用)挖空, 挖成空洞, 挖空, 弄凹 hollow