| - n. 表達, 表示, 表現, 表情, 措辭, 詞句, 說明, 態度, 臉色, 感情, 腔調, 聲調, 說法, 辭句, 表達方式, 擠出, 榨出, 式, 公式, 符號, 表現度, 軋液率, 壓榨法, 表示, 感情, 有感情地朗讀, 臉色, 悲哀的表情, (數學的)式, 語法, 式, 表達式 expression
- adv. 表面上他是因公外出, 實際上大部分的時間都是在海濱. Ostensibly he was on a business trip, but he spent most of the time on the beach
- 被伴隨着; 透露; 說出; 公布 come out with
- n. 被剝奪法律保護的人, 罪犯, 被放逐者, 被剝奪公民權者, 逃犯, 亡命徒, 被查禁的組織, 難馴服的動物, 烈馬, 歹徒, 喪失公權者 outlaw
- n. 被告聲稱未獲公正審訊. The defendant claimed that he had not had a fair trial
- v. 被大公司兼併的小商行. small firms being swallowed up by giant corporations, ie taken over so that they disappear
- n. 被忘卻、被遺忘的人, 退出一切公開場合的人, 不被重視的人, 沒落人物, 被完全忘卻的名人, 被冷落的人 unperson
- adj. 被承認了的, 公認的, 明白的, 有效的 admitted
- n. 被迫接受的不公正、 不愉快的事物 unfair or unpleasant thing that sb is obliged to accept
- n. 裁判員, 仲裁人, 公斷人, 公證人, 演習評教官, 决定性的事物 umpire
- 裕訊科技股份有限公司 AtopNet Corporation
- 西日本財務(香港)有限公司 Nishi-Nippon Finance (Hong Kong) Limited
- 西班牙-加勒比海中美航運公會 Conferencia Espana-CaribeCentro America
- 要不是她回去取信, 她就不至於錯過那輛公共汽車了. If she hadn't gone back for the letter, she wouldn't have missed the bus
- pron. 要先掌握實據纔可公開指責. One must be sure of one's facts before making a public accusation
- n. 要想在這傢公司步步登高, 就需要耍點手腕. You need to be a bit of a politician to succeed in this company