| - 导管补偿器 pipe compensator
- 封塞补修 skin patching
- 射补法 gunning
- 小肠穿孔缝补术 Repair of intestinal perforation
- 尿道狭窄修补手术-前段尿道 Repair of urethra stricture—— anterior urethral
- 尿道狭窄修补手术-后段尿道 Repair of urethra stricture—— posterior urethral
- 尿道瘘管修补术(前段) Urethral fistulectomy(anterior)
- 尿道瘘管修补术(后段) Urethral fistulectomy(posterior)
- 尿道阴道瘘管修补术 Urethral vaginal fistula repair
- n. 嵌花, 贴花, 缝花, 补花 applique
- adj. 嵌花的, 贴花的, 缝上的, 补上的 applique
- 工伤和职业病补偿费 workmen's compensation
- v. 工资以外的)财物补贴, 额外收入, 津贴, 奖金, 小费 money or goods received as a right in addition to one's pay; perquisite (
- n. 工资以外的)财物补贴, 额外收入, 津贴, 奖金, 小费 money or goods given or regarded as a right in addition to one's pay (
- 布尔互补 Boolean complement
- 帆角补强块 clew piece