考Chinese English Phrase:
| - n. 复查或重新考虑(某事物) re-examine or reconsider (sth)
- n. 大学入学许可, 入学, 入学考试, 入学典礼, 录取入学 matriculation
- n. 大学入学许可, 大学入学考试 matric
- n. 大学入学试的考生. university entrants
- n. 大学生最後考试的)学位成绩名单. list showing the class of degree achieved by university students in their final examinations (
- 头孢替考 Cefetecol
- n. 奈拉(尼日利亚货币单位, 合100考包). unit of Nigerian money, 100 kobos
- indef det 她功课不够好, 考不及格. the exam
- n. 她对这次考试心里很慌. She got herself into a state about the exams
- 她将参加剑桥初级证书考试. She's going in for the Cambridge First Certificate
- adj. 她已(向我们)透露希望不再考虑让她担任该职. that she no longer wishes to be considered for the post
- n. 她平时懒惰从她的考试成绩可以看得出来. Her laziness showed in her exam results
- n. 她把钱包留在桌子上来考验那孩子是否诚实. She left her purse on the table as a test of the child's honesty
- adj. 她提出了自己的理由供委员们考虑. her case to the committee
- 她提前一年参加考试, 算是(正式考试的)试考. She's taking the exam a year early, just as a trial run (for the real thing).
- v. 她明年夏天要参加毕业考试. She takes her finals next summer