| - 国际海港制度公约 Convention on the International Regime of Maritime Ports
- 国际版权公约 Universal Copyright Convention
- 国际货物出售合同公约 Convention Contracts of International Sale of Goods
- 国际货物运输报关公约 customs Convention on the International Transit of Goods
- 国际货物销售合同法律适用公约 Convention on the Law Applicable to Contract for the International Sales of Goods
- 国际货物销售时效期限公约 Convention on the Limitation Period in the International Sales of Goods
- n. 土地、 房屋等的)租约, 租契 contract by which the owner of land, a building, etc allows another person to use it for a specified time, usu in return for rent (
- 土地集约工业 land intensive industry
- 圣·约翰草提取物片 Extract of St. John‘s Wort Tablets
- 圣·约翰草提取物片 Extract of St. John’s Wort Tablets
- 圣·约翰草提取物片 Sheng yue han cao Ti qu wu Pian
- 圣地(位於约旦河西岸, 基督生活过的地方, 基督徒奉之为神圣土地). country west of the river Jordan, revered by Christians as the place where Christ lived
- n. 圣约, 与神的誓约, 圣约书, 遗嘱, 圣约书, 《新约全书》, 确实的证明, 信仰的声明 testament
- n. 圣约翰所记载的福音 the gospel of St John
- 圣约翰救伤队 St. John's Ambulance Association
- abbr. 圣约翰福音》第9章第4节. the Gospel of St John ch 9 v 4 《