| - adj. 我总怀疑他很胆小. I always suspected he was yellow
- adv. 我有些怀疑我们可能犯了个大错. I rather suspect we're making a big mistake
- n. 我毫不怀疑你报告中的真实性. I don't doubt the veracity of your report
- v. 我的疑惑、 症状、 怀疑再次出现 a return of my doubts, symptoms, suspicions
- n. 我真正怀疑我们是否应该继续下去. I seriously question whether we ought to continue
- 扬起眉毛(表示惊讶、怀疑等) raise one's eyebrows
- vt. 把...藏于怀内, 珍爱, 围护, 遮掩, 环绕 embosom
- n. 把孩子抱在怀里轻轻摇晃. cradle a child in one's arms, ie hold it gently, esp rocking it from side to side
- n. 把某人拥抱在怀里. hold sb to one's breast
- n. 把某人搂在自己的怀里 hold sb to one's bosom
- 投入...的怀抱里; 投靠 throw oneself into the lap of
- v. 抚慰, 和解, 怀柔, 安抚 placate
- adj. 抚慰的, 怀柔的, 融洽的, 安抚的, 和解的 placatory
- n. 抚慰者, 怀柔者, 干旋者 conciliator
- vt. 抚育, 爱护, 珍爱, 怀有, 抱有, 爱惜, 怀念, 怀有(感情), 抱有(希望), 怀抱 cherish
- v. 报告中展示的调查结果使抗议者的要求遭到了怀疑. The findings of the report threw discredit on the protesters' claims