| - 充满怨气[怒气] filled with spleen
- n. 充满怨言和自怜的信. a letter full of complaints and self-pity
- 充满恐怖事物的地方(如图索德夫人蜡像馆中的罪犯塑像室). place full of horrifying things, eg the room of criminals in Madame Tussaud's waxworks
- adj. 充满恶意的, 恶毒的, 含有恶意的 venomed
- n. 充满恶毒怨恨的话. words full of venom and gall
- n. 充满惊人意象的诗. a poem full of startling images
- 充满愉快和友好气氛的会议 a meeting marked by good humour andfriendliness
- adj. 充满敬畏之心的, 敬畏的(亦作awestricken), 敬畏的, 肃然起敬的 awestruck
- adj. 充满敬畏的,表示敬畏的 awed
- n. 充满无用资料的头脑. a mind lumbered with useless facts
- n. 充满晦涩文字的哲学文章. a philosophical essay full of obscurities
- adj. 充满欢乐的太平时刻. a moment of blessed calm
- adj. 充满活力的, 活泼的, 强有力的, 有趣的 zappy
- 充满浓烟和热气的 logged
- 充满浓烟和热气的 charged
- adj. 充满淫秽影射的故事. a story full of lewd innuendos