| - adj. 孩子们出去了, 房间里十分安静. The children went out, and the room was silent
- v. 孩子们颤悠悠地唱出了一支歌. The children quavered out their little song
- v. 孩子们飞快跑出学校. The children rushed out of school
- n. 孩子的双颊泛出红晕. A blush mounted to the child's face, ie The blood spread to the child's cheeks
- v. 孩子都从树洞里爬出来了. The children scrambled out of the hollow tree
- v. 孵,孵出 hatch
- vt. 孵,孵出,策划,图谋 hatch
- adj. 孵出后立即离巢的, 立即离窠的 nidifugous
- vi. 孵化, 出壳 hatch
- 孵化出来; 想出计划, 结果变成 hatch out
- vt. 宁可, 宁愿, 更喜欢, 喜欢..., 提出, 提起, 提升, 提拔, 推荐, 介绍, 优先偿付, 建议, 申请, (常与to连用)更喜欢, 提出(控诉) prefer
- adj. 宇宙是从一个本来就存在著的球体中产生出来的. The universe was created out of a primordial ball of matter
- adj. 宇宙的, =cosmic, 日出之际发生的 cosmical
- 宇宙线撞出电子 cosmic ray knock on electron
- adj. 守窠的, 守雏的, 孵出后需母鸟照顾一段时期的, 晚成雏的 altricial
- 安全出口标志系统 emergency exit marking system