| - n. 她迅速走红是电影界最杰出的一个事例. Her rapid rise to the top has been one of the film industry's most remarkable success stories
- n. 她还没做出什麽成绩来. 但她确实很努力. She hasn't had much success yet. Mark you, she does try hard
- n. 她选择出版手段来表达思想. to make her ideas known
- n. 她选择的职业是出版工作. She chose publishing as a career
- n. 她那些开明的观点很快地就暴露出只不过是做做样子而已. Her liberal views were soon revealed as mere posturing
- n. 她错过了出国工作的机会. She let slip a chance to work abroad
- 她雄心勃勃, 一心要(在世上)出人头地. She's ambitious and eager to get on (in the world).
- adj. 她非常喜欢家庭生活(深居简出或善於烹饪、 做家务等). She's very domestic, ie prefers home life to going out, or is good at and likes cooking, housework, etc
- v. 她面带忧伤显出心事重重. Her sad looks reflected the nature of her thoughts
- v. 她(从房子里)跑出去, 看看出了什麽事. to see what was happening
- 好事不出门,恶事传千里 Good news never goes beyond the gate, while bad news spread far and wide.
- 好心好意, 出于一片好心 with the best of intentions
- adj. 好的, 出色的 finer
- adj. 好的,出色的 finest
- 好看, 大出洋相 make a good show
- n. 如[到/在]需作出特别努力或有特别需要时 when a special effort is necessary or a special need arises