| - n. 她脸上流露出惊慌的神色. Her face registered dismay
- n. 她自从出了事故以後, 一直没有骑马外出过. She hasn't been out riding since the accident
- v. 她衣服的下摆发出沙沙声. Her skirts gave a swish
- 她表现出了坚强的意志力. She shows great strength of will
- n. 她表现出孤僻与消沉的现象. and depression
- n. 她表现出演员的真正才华. As an actor she shows real quality
- adj. 她被那些自称是她的朋友和支持她的人出卖了. She was betrayed by her professed friends and supporters
- v. 她觉得被人出卖了. She felt betrayed
- v. 她认出那个男人就是袭击过她的人. She identified the man as her attacker
- n. 她详细提出了对新项目的意见. She mapped out her ideas on the new project
- n. 她说她从不爱出风头. She claims she never sought the limelight
- v. 她说她很难过, 但从她的眼神里却流露出她内心的喜悦. She said she was sorry, but her eyes betrayed her secret delight
- v. 她说过她愿出多少钱买你的汽车吗? for your car?
- n. 她谈到演出时, 忍不住把管弦乐队批评了一通. a side-swipe at the orchestra
- n. 她赶集去出售自制品. market to sell what she had made
- n. 她跑完赛程後感到心脏都快要跳出来了. She could feel her heart pounding painfully as she finished the race