| - 集装箱空气导管系统 container air duct system
- n. 零, 空, 零迅号 null
- n. 零乱堆满(空间) inconveniently
- 雷达探空仪 radar sonde
- 雾化尾迹(飞机在高空飞行时留下的). trail of condensed water left in the sky by a high-flying aircraft
- n. 需加填补的不足、 缺陷或空白 deficiency which needs to be filled
- 震慑空袭行动 shock and awe air campaign
- 霍洛菲空心聚酯纤维 Hollofil
- 霓虹灯管真空抽气泵 neon light tube vacuum pump
- 露点探空仪 dew point radiosonde
- 静电悬浮真空陀螺仪 electrically suspended vacuum gyroscope
- 静电空气净化器 electrostatic air cleaner
- n. 靛蓝色的热带夜空. =>illus at spectrum 见spectrum插图. a tropical night sky of deepest indigo
- 非真空吸附 nonvacuum
- 非空气吸入式标准喷雾管枪 nonair-aspirating standard fog nozzle
- 非空运合同承运人 Carrier Other than the Contracting Carrier