| - n. 她用铅笔画出房子的轮廓图. She pencilled the rough outline of a house
- 她病得很重, 吃什麽都吐出来, 连喝水都吐. She's so ill that nothing will stay down, not even water
- v. 她的一些绘画作品在国家美术馆里展出. Her paintings hang in the National Gallery
- n. 她的上衣从裙子里出来了. Her blouse had parted company with her skirt, ie become untucked
- n. 她的作品表现出她很有灵感. Her work shows real inspiration
- v. 她的嘴张开又闭上了, 没有发出声音. Her mouth opened and shut, but no sound came out
- v. 她的回答显示出她无辜. Her answers revealed her to be innocent
- v. 她的声音中能听出有些颤抖. You could hear the quaver in her voice
- n. 她的小说是她绝无仅有的作品--後来她再也没写出那样好的东西. Her novel was just a one-off -- she never wrote anything as good as that again
- 她的散文凝练高雅, 多数新闻工作者无出其右. Her clear and elegant prose sets her apart from most other journalists
- 她的新书出版了. Her new book is out, ie published
- n. 她的画正在伦敦的一个美术馆里展出. at a gallery in London
- n. 她的眼睛里突然涌出了泪水. her eyes
- adj. 她的耐心和机智是出名的. Her patience and tact were legendary
- n. 她的钢琴弹得真是出神入化. Her piano playing is absolute magic
- v. 她目光闪烁显露出激动的神情. Her eyes sparkled with excitement